Wednesday, April 21, 2010

If I could turn back time...

Redken is releasing a new shampoo next week which is an anti-aging shampoo. It is marketed to reverse the signs of aging, weather natural or self inflicted, in your hair. I was lucky enough that the girls at the supply store love me enough that they through some samples at me... I feel like the first girl in Rockford to try the new stuff, which is fun, but not exactly what this is about.

As I am "reversing the signs of aging" of my hair an entire dialogue starts in my brain, so here I am to put it How far can we go with this whole anti-aging thing and why is it that we feel the need to not look aged?

If you think about it, in my head at least, if you go far enough with the anti-aging couldn't you go as far as looking younger than you are, and if so is that what you really want? Shouldn't you be proud of your wisdom and experience that however many years you have been on this earth has gained you? I mean, seriously, please, look your best at your age, but do we need to look younger and younger?

How early is too early to start, and how late is to late to start? At 27 should I be using anti-aging skin care? If so will it help me with the periodical break outs I still have? Should I use a wrinkle reducer ahead of time to stop the wrinkles from coming? I have tons of freckles, should I use something special for that? Is collagen truly beneficial for my face? Is there a cream to keep my hands looking young? And now I have to even anti-age my hair?


On a side note, my hair did feel great after the shampoo and leave in treatment. You know if a bleach-a-holic's hair can feel good... yours can too!

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