Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Well, HELLO to you too 2011!

Two thousand and eleven did not start out well for me.

Day 1: Dealing with some serious family issues that I have never had experience with in my life.
Day 2: Car would not start
Day 3: Open the salon to find water dripping from the ceiling and puddles all over the floor
Day 4: Repeat Day 1
Day 5: Repeat Day 1, again...

After hours and hours of phone conversations to family, landlords, people who are smart about Volkswagen's, family, maintenance men, etc I got all of worked out that I have the human ability to. 

This is not the first time my new year has come in with a boom, but this is the first time I have consciously decided to take it in stride and be okay with it. I will NOT let the first 4 days of my year effect the next 360 (or is it 359 and a leap year?)! So what did I do? I changed my hair color of course, and thought about the positive things that will be happening in our lives this year. God has some big plans for my husband and I, figuring them out is half the fun. 

What will 2011 bring for me? Possibly deciding to start a family? Finding a new home church here, or starting a ministry of our own? Who's hair will I do, and what CRAZY stories will I have from it? How many different colors will my hair be?

Maybe I will sell all of my things and move to the Cayman Islands. I hear its rather cheap to live there.

I am excited to experience it all, and see where our path is going this year. I am so thankful to be able to share it all with you! 

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